Friday, September 15, 2006

The 1980's: Oh, the humanity!

Recently, a good friend of ours, I'll call him Pat (because that's his name *rimshot*), turned forty. The big four-oh. His wife, we'll call her Arion-May, decided to celebrate 1980's style. Her reasoning: "It was the highlight of Pat's life -- the 1980's were very good to Pat."


However, the 1980's were awfully good to another person present -- my pretty wife! Check the picture for all the evidence that you need: she bagged the award for The Biggest Hair, and she's a natural in the tacky white 'shoulder' jacket! (Click to enlarge.)

I went to the party wearing something that I never wore in the actual Eighties: a muscle shirt and a rising sun headband. Fun had by all, especially Tim, who showed an uncanny resemblance to Mike Score of the 1980's phenomenon, Flock of Seagulls.


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